Track Categories

The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.

Diagnosis is the identification of the nature of an illness and other problems by examination of the symptoms and explains the person about the disease. It is an important tool for doctors and therapists and it advises us on the treatment options for our future health. Some diseases can be cured and others like hepatitis B have no cure. The person will always have the state but the medical treatments can help to manage the diseases. The medical professionals use medicine, therapy, and surgery to help the patients. There are some advancement in the medical technologies and new innovations in instruments to cure the infectious diseases.


Internal medicine is the medical speciality of applying scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to diagnosis and treatment of adults. The physician who specializes in internal medicine is known as an internist. Internal Medicine includes allergy, immunology, cardiology, endocrinology, haematology, infectious diseases etc. It is important for the internist to treat and provide in-depth care for diseases such as diabetes, lung or heart disease. For example: psychological distress and mortality among the adults, frailty for predicting adverse outcomes in older primary care patients.

Biomedical is the study of science that involves the investigation of biological process and the cause of disease through experimentation, observation, laboratory work, analysis and testing. There are some types of study such as basic or experimental, clinical and epidemiological and it is sub classified by interventional or non-interventional. It is more important in healthcare because it provides an insight into issues such as population health management, patient mobility trends etc. Almost all clinical research is the study of health and illness and giving treatment in new ways. There are also some types of clinical research such as observational and interventional researches.

In medicine, a case report consists of a broad and detailed heraldic of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment and follow up of an individual patient and it may contain a demographic profile of the patient. The case reports are written by identifying the category of the case, structure of the case and collecting the information related to the case. These medical reports are usually very short or more than 150 words. A clinical case report aids the medical practitioners to share patients’ case that are unusual. The importance of this evidence is to generate detailed information from the case reports of individual people which informs both clinical and our daily clinical care.

Chronic Diseases is defined as conditions that last for 3 or more months. It can also last for one year and require an on-going medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. A chronic condition is a human condition or disease that is persistent. It is not unexpected for an illness to change from terminal to chronic and some of the diseases are arthritis, asthma, cancer, chronic obstructive, pulmonary disease, diabetes etc. Chronic conditions may have periods of relapse where the disease temporarily goes away or thereupon reappear.


The principle of family medicine is caring is a medical speciality which provides continuing and comprehensive healthcare for individuals in the family integrating the biological, clinical and behavioural science. Family physicians help the patients in preventing, understanding and managing illness and also navigate the health systems. The staff adapts to their patients with the help of communication and a unique care. They are devoted to comprehensive health care of all ages. Nutritional medicine principle is based on the nutrients; including micronutrients are required for the proper functioning of all biochemical activities.

Healthcare is defined as the maintenance or improvement of our health by preventing, diagnosing, treatment, recovery of diseases like illness, injury and other physical and mental impairments. Dentistry, pharmacy, midwifery, nursing, medicine, psychology, physicians, athletic trainers and other health care professionals are part of health care. It may vary across countries, communities and individuals, the factors to consider include financial limitations, geographic barriers and personal limitations. The healthcare service is the furnishing of medicine, medical or surgical treatment, nursing, hospital and dental service.

Infectious diseases are caused by biological agents that can be transmitted to others, more readily by genetic, physical or chemical agents. It is caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi and prions. Infectious diseases are disorders where many organisms live in and on our body. They are normally harmless and some are helpful. But some may cause diseases which pass from one person to another. Treatment depends on which microorganisms cause the infection. If a bacteria causes a disease, treatment with antibiotics is used which usually kills the bacteria and ends the infection.

Med-tech circumscribes a wide range of healthcare products and is used to treat diseases and medical conditions affecting humans. Recent advancements have also reduced the cost of the medications. These technologies improve the quality of life and are one of the main benefits of integrating new innovations into the medicine field. Minimally invasive surgeries, better monitoring system and more comfortable for scanning and for scanning equipment patients are allowed to spend less time for recovery.

Cancer is a disease which involves abnormal cell growth with a probable to seize or spread to other parts of the body. Molecular medicine is a large field which involves physical, chemical, biological, bioinformatics and medical techniques used to describe a molecular structure and its mechanisms which helps to identify fundamental molecular and its genetic error of diseases. Cancer research is done to recognize the cause and developed techniques for prevention, analysis, treatment and cure. It extends from the study of disease transmission, execution of clinical trials, molecular science and also these applications subsume surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and immunotherapy and hormone treatment.

Neuroscience is the study of nervous system and it is the branch of biology that deals with the anatomy, biochemistry, molecular biology and physiology of neurons and neural circuits. Neuroscience comes under the field of professor, research lab, technicians etc. Neuroscience is a challenging major, but there are other ways to have massive amount of memorization and terminology. The Neuroscience not only works to produce thoughts, emotions, and behaviour but also controls body functions like breathing and can help researchers find ways to avert complication that influence the brain, nervous system and body.

Nursing is a study of theories and practical concept for improving connected service of individuals of all ages, families, communities and clinicians and also maintain or recover optimal health and quality of life. It is differentiated from other healthcare by their approach, acre, training, scope of practice to their patients. This degree makes the nurses for a large kind of official roles. It merges the worlds of natural, applied and human science into a multidimensional lens to explore better and new ways to deliver health service. Nursing care includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, disabled and care of ill and dying people.

Obstetrics is a branch of science which deals with the medicine and surgery concerned with childbirth and midwifery. Gynaecology is a branch of physiology and medicine which deals with the functions and diseases specific to women and girl child especially those affecting the reproductive system. The difference between obstetricians and gynaecologists is considered one speciality, it comprises two distinct fields which involves care during pregnancy, pre-conception, childbirth and immediate after delivery. Gynaecology involves care of all women’s health issues.

Pediatrics is a medical care of infants, children and adolescents. A medical doctor who is specialized in this area is called as paediatrician, and the word paediatrics and its cognates mean “healer of children”. One of the subspecialties of this field is neonatology. It understands the difference in growing and maturing organisms that require different treatment.

Pharmacology is the branch of medicine concerned with the uses, effects, and modes of drugs which acts in the living body. Pharmaceutics is also a branch of pharmacology concerned with the preparation, use or sale of medical drugs that has a physical property of formulation. The science of medicine studies the effect of chemical compounds on living animals, especially the science of manufacture, use and consequence of medical drugs while pharmacology is the creative and science of dispensing medical drugs.

Rehabilitation therapy is the regain or improved neurocognitive function. Mostly it is used in medical treatment to recover from dependency on substance such as alcohol or drugs which is in the form of addictive or over dosage. Rehabilitation is a branch of medicine that aims with physical impairments or disabilities. Psychiatric rehabilitation medicine is used for the restoration of mental health and life skills after mental illness. Physical medicine is also known as physiatrist and it aims to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those who are physically impaired or disabled.

Public health medicine is defined as the ‘science of art preventing disease’. Its main aim is prolonging life, promoting human health choices of society, organization, public and private communities and individuals. The notion of health takes into the description of physical, psychological and social wellbeing. Public health aims to improve the quality of life through prevention and treatments of diseases, including mental health. Community medicine is a branch of medicine which deals with health care issues affecting communities as a whole and it is applied to healthy people by acting on large numbers. Public health and community medicine is an international open ingress, peer-reviewed, dedicated to all clinical and investigative studies which include diagnostic techniques and treatment of diseases affecting public health.

Sports come under the field of medicine concerned with injuries sustained in athletic endeavour including diagnosis, prevention and treatment. There are some specific disciplines, for example, exercise physiologist, dieticians, bio mechanist, sports medicine or exercises. Sports and exercise medicine is the study of all human movement, injury prevention, exercise prescription, rehabilitation and performance magnification through nutrition, bio mechanics and improved cardio respiratory efficiency.

Surgery is done by operative manual and instrumental techniques on a person to treat a pathological condition such as disease, injury and body function to repair unwanted repair areas. This procedure is called an operation that can be a done on a person or animal. Surgery manipulation of bodily structure to diagnose, prevents, and cure affliction. It is developed to treat injuries and traumas and also to heal fracture in prehistoric human bones, and some treatments. New technologies have been developed in surgery to eliminate some problems that surgeons face during more conventional operations.

Regenerative medicine is defined as process of replacing human cells, organs or tissues to restore and initiate normal functions. It may also enable scientists to grow tissues and organs in the laboratory and safely implant them when the body is unable to heal by itself. It is also able to cure certain forms of cancer, paralysis, HIV in the right condition and improve the quality of life for affected patients. For these patients, the regenerative medicine is a great impact.

Traditional medicine describes a specific therapeutic use or practise of a medicine based on the evidence of medicinal use which stabilize the hormones and metabolism and reduce the side effects. Herbal medicines have its origin in ancient cultures which involves the medicinal use of plants to treat diseases and enhance general health. Some of the herbs have potent ingredients and should be taken with some level of caution for pharmaceutical medication which is from our ancient practices. Complementary medicine refers to a broad set of health care practices and is not fully integrated into the dominant healthcare system and is used interchange with traditional medicine. Alternative medicine are generally not recognized by the medical community as standard but it includes dietary supplements, mega dose vitamins, herbal preparations, massages, magnet therapy, spiritual healing etc.